Asset 26
Bureaucratic burden in trade and handicraft in Austria

The study examines the burden of bureaucracy in Austrian handicraft enterprises and shows that Austrian handicraft enterprises spend about 70 million working hours per year on bureaucracy, which corresponds to about 42,190 full-time equivalents. The financial costs amount to about € 4.3 billion per year, of which about € 2.6 billion are internal costs and about € 1.7 billion are external costs. Some 71% of companies report that the administrative burden has increased over the last three years.

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Interim evaluation of the support programme for the implementation of energy management systems in SMEs

Since 2018, SMEs have received federal subsidies for the implementation of energy management systems to reduce energy consumption. The interim evaluation examined the extent to which the subsidies have contributed to the implementation of energy management systems and the energy savings that have been achieved as a result. It recommends that the programme should not be extended and that some components should be transferred to other support services.

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Business Succession in Tourism in Austria

The research project 'Business transfer in tourism' provides an inventory of business succession in tourism. In addition, current support services and the funding landscape in Austria and the federal states are analysed. The study was conducted on the basis of an online survey of tourism businesses in Austria.

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Evaluation of the national Digital Innovation Hubs

The national Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) are a central point of contact for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in need of support in the area of digital transformation. The aim of the evaluation was to determine the extent to which the existing DIHs are visible and accessible to SMEs, whether the program is achieving its objectives and what effects have been achieved to date. Recommendations for the continuation and future design of the DIH program were derived from the findings of the evaluation.

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Asset 10

The report "SMEs in Focus 2023" uses current data and facts to show the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises for the Austrian economy. One focus chapter is devoted to the topic of "Innovative strength of SMEs". Furthermore, the report offers an overview of recent SME support measures, which are oriented towards the three pillars of the SME strategy of the European Commission. The report was submitted to the National Council by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy.

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Asset 26
Vienna Creative Industries Report 2023

Der Kreativwirtschaftsbericht Wien gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Struktur und Entwicklung der Wiener Kreativbetriebe. Fast ein Fünftel der Wiener Unternehmen (19.000) zählt zur Kreativwirtschaft. Diese Unternehmen beschäftigen rund 71.300 Personen und erzielen einen Umsatz von € 12,7 Mrd. Die meisten Beschäftigten – rund 23.000 – hat der Sektor Software und Games. An zweiter Stelle liegt die Werbung mit 13.100 Beschäftigten gefolgt vom Sektor Buch und Verlagswesen mit 10.000 Beschäftigten.

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Building cleaning

The study examines the current economic significance and development of the commercial cleaning sector, the importance of the sector for the labour market, the market and competitive situation and the economic/financial situation of companies. It also looks at the framework conditions (e.g. with regard to regulation and bureaucracy) and the current challenges in the sector and identifies potential improvements.

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Asset 10
The Missing Entrepreneurs – Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship and self-employment

The biennial report “The Missing Entrepreneurs” examines policies and programmes in the field of inclusive entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship of youth, women, seniors, unemployed, migrants and people with disabilities) in Europe.

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SMEs and the Single Market – Austrian Country Report

This study looks at the experiences of Austrian small and medium-sized enterprises with doing business on the European Single Market. The study focuses on remaining barriers in accessing the markets of other Member States and on possible (regulatory) initiatives to further improve the functioning of the Single Market for SMEs. The Austrian study is part of a series of EU country reports on SMEs and the Single Market.

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APCC Special Report “Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben”

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Creative Industries Report 2023

The Creative Industries Report 2023 shows that the Austrian creative industries comprise about 50,000 companies with about 170,000 employees.

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Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training

The project aims to develop a better understanding of the embedding of entrepreneurship competences in VET in Europe, to identify related challenges and opportunities, and to identify differences between selected countries (Austria, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Latvia, Sweden and Italy). The focus is on initial vocational education and training (apprenticeship, vocational (higher) education). The results of the study will support policy makers, social partners, VET providers and other stakeholders in promoting entrepreneurship skills.

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Analysis of the lightweight construction industry and research in Austria in an international context

The study serves to record the potential and technological competence of industry and research in the field of lightweight construction in Austria. Based on this, links to lightweight construction strategies and activities in other countries will be established. This serves to embed Austrian research and industry in the emerging European lightweight construction network, as well as to prepare transnational R&D funding calls in cooperation with ministries and funding agencies in European partner

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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Workplace

As part of its Future of Work initiative, the OECD is conducting case studies in several countries to gain a better understanding of the extent to which AI-based technologies influence work organisation in companies.

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Book presentation on gender policy in the Austrian higher education and research area

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Economic Report Information and Consulting 2024

The Information and Consulting division recorded subdued development in 2023. Although turnover increased in nominal terms, there was a decline in real terms.

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SMEs in Focus 2022

The report "SMEs in Focus 2022" uses current data and facts to show the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises for the Austrian economy. One focus chapter is devoted to the topic of "New Work and New Entrepreneurship". Furthermore, the report offers an overview of recent SME support measures, which are oriented towards the three pillars of the SME strategy of the European Commission. The report was submitted to the National Council by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy.

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Concept development for impact-oriented RTI monitoring

The development of an overarching monitoring system aims to provide an efficient and transparent system for measuring impact and supporting knowledge development in order to facilitate strategic intelligence at section level in the Federal Ministry of Environment.

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Research funding to support women

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG commissioned this short study in order to examine the status quo with regard to the representation of women in the projects it funds on the one hand, and on the other hand to analyze which measures an agency like the FFG can take or which measures already implemented seem most promising.

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Labour force and skilled labour situation in Vienna

The study contains an analysis of the situation and development on the Viennese labour market in general and the skilled labour situation of 10 economic sectors (sector portraits) in particular.

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Austrian Research and Technology Report 2023 – 2026

The Research and Technology Report analyzes current national and international research and technology policy issues. It is based on comprehensive data and provides an overview of public research funding through annual monitoring of eleven research institutions. The report is written on a yearly

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PRO_Service: innovations for product-service systems in the manufacturing sector

Industrial manufacturing processes are still linked with high energy and material demands. Although rental and service models for production facilities have been discussed for many years as promising solutions, such alternatives to the acquisition of facilities have not yet been able to establish themselves on a widespread basis.

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Creative Industries Barometer Autumn 2022

The Creative Industries Barometer provides information on the economic situation of the industry based on a company survey.

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Interdisciplinarity in applied research

This study looks at the role of interdisciplinary collaboration in applied research. The research network Austrian Cooperative Research (ACR) is used as a case example for investigating aspects such as the forms and patterns, the purposes, the benefits, and the challenges and success factors of cooperation across different research disciplines.

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Comparative analysis of wage and social standards in food production

The added value of agricultural goods and food is increasing. At the same time, companies in agriculture are feeling increasing pressure. Especially labour and social costs contribute to this as crucial elements of the cost structure of farms.

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Potentials of trustworthy AI in Austria

The trustworthy use of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to change the economy in key future industries for the benefit of society and to positively influence the positioning of Austria and Europe in international competition.

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E-Commerce Study Austria 2022

The 13th edition of the “E-Commerce-Report Austria 2022” analyses the shopping behaviour of the Austrian population regarding classic mail-order business as well as internet retail-trade.

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Construction value chain Lower Austria

The study includes a presentation and description of the value chain of the Lower Austrian construction industry (construction sector as well as real estate and housing), an analysis of its regional and economic importance as well as an estimation of the effects on the Lower Austrian and Austrian economy of an increase in demand for Lower Austrian construction services.

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SMEs in Focus 2021 (KMU im Fokus 2021)

The report "SMEs in Focus" uses current data and facts to show the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises for the Austrian economy.

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Sectoral and structural development in gastronomy, the hotel industry and food production before Covid-19 in Austria

In this study, for the first time in Austria, a detailed analysis of balance sheet data was made for three important elements of the value chain: Food production excluding feed, restaurants and hotels, inns and guesthouses. The period covers the period up to 2019, thus reflecting the situation before the COVID 19 crisis.

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Evaluation of the Swiss Space Policy since 2008

The subject of the evaluation is Switzerland's space policy as it has developed over the past thirteen years on the basis of the institutional strategy "Swiss Space Policy 2008". The appropriateness and effectiveness of selected guidelines are described and assessed, taking into account past and future developments.

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Economic Report Information and Consulting 2022

After Corona-related declines in turnover in 2020, the information and consulting sector developed positively again in 2021. Only in the printing, advertising and book/media industries was it not yet possible to reach the starting level of 2019.

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Geistiges Eigentum für das Unternehmenswachstum verwerten

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LEADERSHIP4SMEs: Leveraging Intellectual Properties for Start-up and SME Hypergrowth

LEADERSHIP4SMEs is an initiative aiming to support disruptive SMEs and start-ups to reinforce and leverage their IPR as an accelerator of growth on the EU single Market and beyond.

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The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021 – Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship and self-employment

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10. Austrian Creative Industries Report: Focus on Resilience in the Corona Crisis

The Tenth Austrian Creative Industries Report sheds light on the resilience of the creative industries in the Corona crisis.

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Entrepreneurship Ecosystems for a Circular Economy

Based on experiences from Vienna’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, the project “CircularHub” developed a policy guide on how to design support services for founders so that the companies of the future can operate in a circular and thus resource-saving way.

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Company transfers and successions in Austria

As in 2008 and 2014, the study comprehensively analyses the Austrian succession situation and estimates the transfer potential in the coming years. One focus of the study is on the concrete design of the transfer process as well as on the topics of innovation and digitalisation in the course of business transfers.

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Programme Evaluation “City of Tomorrow” 2013-2021

This evaluation will examine the effects that the "Stadt der Zukunft" (“City of Tomorrow”) programme has achieved since its inception. The evaluation is based on extensive surveys of research project participants and various multipliers from application areas such as civil engineering and urban planning.

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Training in Enterprises

The OECD research project analyses the types, methods, reasons/purposes/motivation, participants, decision and planning processes, benefits/effects as well as barriers in terms of training in enterprises.

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One-Person-Enterprises in Austria 2023

The Austrian Institute for SME Research has been regularly analyzing the situation and development of one-person enterprises in Austria since 2007. In a comprehensive study and survey of around 2,000 one-person entrepreneurs in 2022, the diverse characteristics of their entrepreneurial activities were examined more closely.

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Mechanisms and formats of knowledge and technology transfer in SMEs with a focus on digitalisation

The study analyzes different types of technology transfer in manufacturing and manufacturing-related SMEs, where they are positioned in corresponding value networks and what role they play in them. This was examined not only on the basis of academic literature, but also using secondary statistics from various sources as well as case studies.

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9th Report on Austrian Creative Industries with a Focus on “Digital Transformation 2030

The creative industries were affected to varying degrees by the lockdowns. Despite the Corona pandemic, it can be seen that creatives are important drivers of digital transformation.

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E-Commerce-Study Austria 2021

The study "E-Commerce-Study Austria 2021" documents the development of mail order and Internet retail shopping. It continues the focus on M-Commerce and examines the topic of returns as part of a thematic block.

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RTI Strategy for the Austrian Aviation Sector 2040

Within the framework of the project, the RTI Strategy for the Austrian Aviation Sector will be updated against the background of changed framework conditions and the newly developed Austrian RTI Strategy will be incorporated.

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Study on the effectiveness of public innovation support for SMEs in Europe

The overall objective of this study was to gather evidence on the effectiveness of public support for innovation in Europe. A key finding of the study is that SMEs in the EU continue to face barriers to innovation.

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Impact monitoring of programmes managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) 2017-2021

The impact monitoring of RTDI funding for Austrian companies and research organisations assesses direct impacts of the funded projects on RTDI inputs, behavioural changes, and outputs as well as their current needs.

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Economic Report Information and Consulting 2021

The Report 2021 shows the economic development of the member companies of the Information and Consulting sector for the year 2020, an assessment of the order situation with the beginning of 2021 as well as the outlook for the year 2021.

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KMU im Fokus (SMEs in Focus 2020)

The report "SMEs in Focus" uses current data and facts to highlight the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises for the Austrian economy. A focus chapter is devoted to the effects of the Corona-related crisis on SMEs.

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Brief study on the business situation of companies in 2020/2021
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BELONGevity: Innovations for a socially inclusive and sustainable circular economy

This study shows what companies and other organisations in the Circular Economy need to consider to make their offers attractive to all social groups.

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Evaluation klimaakitv

As part of the project, the klimaaktiv climate protection initiative was evaluated together with the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy.

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Competitiveness of the EU Engineering Industries and the Impact of Digitalisation

The study explores the competitiveness of the engineering industries in the EU against its major competitors USA, Japan, South Korea and the BRICs countries. It compares regulatory frameworks of EU and major third country competitors in the field of engineering industries.

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Innovation and digitization for the sustainability of SMEs

The present study provides an overview of the innovation performance and innovation behaviour of SMEs as well as of the conditions and barriers to innovation in these enterprises.

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Efficient Implementation of Innovation in SMEs

By analysing how to support the efficient implementation of digital innovation in SMEs, the project aims at the development of a suitable set of methods.

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Survey of demand for a Vienna Club Commission

Provision of scientific expertise for a demand survey among the members of mica (music austria). Support in creating the questionnaire, analysis and  presentation of the results.

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E-Commerce study Austria (E-Commerce Studie Österreich)

The 11th edition of the “E-Commerce-Report Austria 2019” analyses the shopping behaviour of the Austrian population regarding classic mail-order business as well as internet retail-trade.

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Trade and craft is still far from normal
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Retail suffers significantly from Coronavirus

Nearly all sectors of the retail industry suffered a massive drop in sales in March and April 2020. Many entrepreneurs are facing unprecedented challenges.

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COVID-19: Impact on crafts and trades and adaptation measures

The study examines the way in which businesses in the crafts and trades sector are affected by the COVID-19 crisis, i.e. the degree of the drop in sales, the effects on the earnings situation of the individual trades and the uptake of measures by the companies. An outlook provides information on how enduring the economic losses are.

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Covid-19: When is a profitable operation in the hotel industry possible?

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Evaluation BMVIT Endowed Professorship

The evaluation analyses the instrument "BMVIT endowed professorship" and develops recommendations for the further development of the instrument. The focus is on the organisational and structural framework conditions for endowed professorships from the perspective of the sponsor and the universities. The evaluation focuses on questions regarding the appropriate design of the instrument with regard to the intended funding objectives.

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Evaluation of the programmes funding “focus on talents” and “research partnerships” (Evaluierung der Programme “Förderschwerpunkt Talente” und “Forschungspartnerschaften”)

The evaluation focuses on the analysis of the funding concepts, the implementation and the effects of the programmes.

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The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019

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Family Business in Austria 2019 (Familienunternehmen in Österreich 2019)

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Family Business in Austria 2019

For the fourth time already, this study analyses the economic significance of family businesses in Austria and their characteristics.

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Die österreichische Bauwirtschaft – Zahlen, Daten und Fakten 2020 (The Austrian construction industry – facts, figures and data 2020)

The brochure covers the main indicators of the Austrian construction industry.

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Economic report on trade and crafts in Austria – full year 2022 & 1st quarter 2023

The Austrian Institute for SME Research has been monitoring the Austrian crafts and trades sector on a quarterly basis since 1981.

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Covid-19: Liquid funds of SMEs are usually only sufficient for a few weeks
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Kreativwirtschaftspolitisches Datenblatt (Data sheet on creative industries)

The Data Sheet on Creative Industries provides the most recent data on the Austrian creative industries each year.

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Report on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

This report on small and medium sized enterprises provides recent facts and figures on SMEs, most important industries as well as a thematic focus on family businesses.

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Konjunkturentwicklung im Einzelhandel 2019 (Business cycle development in retail trade 2019)

Business cycle development in retail trade 2019

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The Austrian Food Industry 2019

In the period from 2019 to 2021, annual facts and figures on the situation and development in the food industry will be provided, with the data broken down by occupational groups. Both the latest available current figures and the development over time since 2010 are presented.

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Administrative burdens index for crafts and trades in Lower Austria

The successor study is based on the results of 2016 and analyses the changes in administrative burdens since that time.

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Inclusive Entrepreneurship 2019

Inclusive entrepreneurship policies aim to offer all people an equal opportunity to create a sustainable business, regardless of their background, age or gender. The report examines strategies and measures of different countries in the field of inclusive entrepreneurship. The Austrian Institute for SME Research prepared the Country Report Austria.

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Ein-Personen-Unternehmen (EPU) in Österreich 2018/19 (One-Person-Enterprises (OPE) in Austria 2018/19)

The study analyses the importance and development of one-person-enterprises in Austria. Central indicators, trends and developments are also considered over time. The study, on behalf of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, is based on a comprehensive primary survey of one-person companies in Austria as well as literature and secondary data analyses.

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Vienna Night Economy

The study examines the economic significance of the Viennese night economy and analyses, among other things, the number of companies and employees engaged in the night economy.

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Evaluation of the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs

The evaluation of the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) with its three programme pillars R&D individual projects, R&D cooperation projects and networks concerns one of the most important instruments of innovation policy in Germany.

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Evaluation of the Austrian Space Strategy 2012-2020 (Evaluierung der Weltraumstrategie 2012-2020)

This evaluation commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology (BMK, formerly BMVIT) examined the Austrian space commitment in the period 2012 to 2018 and derived corresponding recommendations for further development. This includes not only the design of the future space strategy, the relevant commitment at ESA and at the level of the European Union, but also the Austrian Space Applications Programme (ASAP), Austria's national space programme.

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Strukturanalyse im stationären Einzelhandel 2019 (Structural Analysis of Retail 2019)

The structural analysis of stationary retail trade in Austria carried out annually on behalf of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber - Division Commerce shows a provisional halt to structural change for the analysis year 2018.

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E-Commerce-Studie Österreich 2019 (E-Commerce-Survey Austria 2019)

The study shows a dynamic in online shopping, a boom in smartphone shopping and a start in voice shopping.

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Societal Criteria in Upstream Space Infrastructure Procurement

The study on behalf of DG GROW assessed the feasibility of including societal criteria (environmental, innovation, employment-related) in upstream space procurement within the European Union Space Programmes, Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS. 

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Evaluation und Wirkungsanalyse CTI-Entrepreneurship (Impact monitoring and evaluation of the CTI Entrepreneurship Programme)

Assessment of the conception, implementation and short- to medium-term effects of the CTI Entrepreneurship Programme.

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SME 4.0

The aim of the project is to develop an informed knowledge basis with regard to digitisation for all ACR member institutes.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Facts and Figures

Collection of figures, data and facts on artificial intelligence in Austria as a basis for decisions on the further development of the corresponding FTI programme portfolio.

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Accompanying Evaluation IWB/EFRE AT 2014-20

This accompanying evaluation of the implementation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-20 in Austria applies a broad evaluation design.

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Scientific assistance for the redesign of the labour market strategy of Upper Austria

The Austrian Institute for SME Research has provided assistance to the government of Upper Austria in redesigning their labour market strategy with a focus on supply of skilled labour. This includes an analysis of the regional labour market (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats); the development of possible future scenarios, a system of strategic objectives and an impact model of the strategy; the definition of corresponding indicators; and the development and testing of a monitoring system.

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Business Cycle Report Information and Consulting 2019

The latest business cycle analyses shows further growth of companies of the division Information and Consulting. The business cycle report includes results for 2018 as well as an outlook for 2019.

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Industry analysis of construction-related trade 2019

This survey comprises the quarterly presentation of the economic and business cycle situation and the development of ten industries from the Austrian construction-related trade.

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Impacts of digitalisation on the training and qualification opportunities of the Public Employment Service in Lower Austria

The study analyses the effects of digitalisation and industry 4.0 on the economy on Lower Austria. The focus is on the changes with regard to (levels of) qualifications and professions that will be of special relevance in a digital economy. It will also look at which professions will most likely be affected by the rationalisation potential caused by digital technologies. Following this, the study will also develop recommendations on how to adapt the current training opportunities of the Public Employment Service in Lower Austria.

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Water Sports Business 2018

The study develops a definition of the water sports industry. Furthermore, the supply and demand side are analysed, as well as trends and future developments.

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8th Report on Austrian Creative Industries

The 8th Report on Austrian Creative Industries includes the economic development of creative industries and the importance of this sector for the Austrian economy. The report also analyses the internationalsation of creative industries and provides export rates as well as motivations and success factors of internationalisation activities.

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Business cycle development in retail trade 2018

Results of the business cycle survey in retail trade 2018.

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The impacts of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG
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How to Evaluate Organisational Change in a Complex Environment?

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Evaluierung der Umsetzung von HORIZON 2020, EUREKA, COSME, EEN und ERA in Österreich (Evaluation of the implementation of HORIZON 2020, EUREKA, COSME, EEN and ERA in Austria)

The Austrian Institute for SME Research was part of the consortium (head of: AIT) for the evaluation of the implementation of HORIZON 2020 and ERA in Austria, supplemented by the three European initiatives EUREKA, COSME and EEN.

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UBIT Radar (Management consulting, accounting and information technology survey)

Since 2009, the "UBIT" survey describes the situation and development in the field of management consulting, accounting and information technology.

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Improving Economic and Policy Knowledge in the Field of Sport-related Industries with particular Focus on the Sporting Goods Sector

This study aims to improve the economic and policy knowledge of sport-related industries, especially in the sporting goods sector.

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Internet-Einzelhandel 2018 (Online Retailing 2018)

More and more consumers buy via the Internet and the number of online shops from Austrian retailers is constantly increasing.

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Support to the European PES Network Mutual Learning Programme on Engaging with and Improving Services to Employers

Thematic paper on the cooperation of Public Employment Services with enterprises.

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Einzelhandel – Quo vadis? (Retail trade – quo vadis?)
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Evaluierung der innovationsfördernden Beschaffung (Evaluation of the Public Procurement Promoting Innovation)

Evaluation of the implementation of the Action Plan on Public Procurement Promoting Innovation in Austria.

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Evaluierung des BRIDGE Programms (Evaluation of the BRIDGE Programme)

This evaluation focuses on the different facets of impacts of the BRIDGE programme and on the more recent modifications in the programme design during the period 2009 up to 2016.

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Structural analysis in stationary retail 2022

The annual structural analysis comprised data and facts on the status quo, the development of business data, the sales area and concentration tendencies of retail in Austria.

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Born Globals and their Value Chains

The study deals with company start-ups or young companies that pursue a business model geared to the international market right from the start.

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Competitiveness of Austrian Enterprises

The study analyses, if the current framework conditions in Austria promote or hinder competitiveness of Austrian enterprises - especially SMEs.

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Support measures for long-term unemployed persons in selected European countries – focus passive support

Long-term unemployed persons represent a main target group of labour market policy as they entail various hampering factors with view to a reintegration at the labour market. On the one hand financial/social support has to be provided, on the other hand tailored measures have to be designed. In the framework of this study active and mainly passive support measures for long-term unemployed in selected European countries are analysed. These measures are compared with the Austrian support instruments.

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Austrian Entrepreneurial Index – Retail trade 2017

The Austrian Entrepreneurial Index (AEI) combines different aspects of self-employment and measures the satisfaction of entrepreneurs.

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Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in European Regions and Cities

This research project analyses territorial patterns and performance of SMEs in Europe and investigates factors and driving forces for SME development at regional level. To this end the research utilizes comprehensive statistical data as well as in-depth case studies of diverse territories in the EU. The study then looks at what can be learned in terms of effective territorial strategies fostering SMEs in different types of regions.

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Unternehmerinnen in Österreich 2017 (Women Entrepreneurs in Austria 2017)

This study offers a comprehensive analysis of entrepreneurship of women in Austria.

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ICT location Vienna

This study aims to develop an up-to-date inventory of the ICT sector in Vienna and to identify opportunities to advance the region to an “innovation leader”. Methodologically, the study is based on analyses of secondary statistics, a company survey, expert interviews and interactive methodologies.

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Rahmenbedingungen und Hemmnisse für innovative Unternehmensgründungen in Österreich (Inhibiting framework conditions for founding innovative companies in Austria)

This study analyses existing barriers for young, innovative companies in Austria and develops recommendations for conducive framework conditions for founders.

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Evaluierung der Förderungsgesellschaften Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (AWS) und Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft GmbH (FFG) (Evaluation of Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH (AWS) and Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG))

The evaluation of the AWS and FFG promotion agencies essentially addresses the question whether and to what extent ambitions and expectations of the predecessor organisations consolidations, which happened in the context of the structural reforms more than a decade ago, have been achieved.

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Early-Intervention-Strategien und Ansätze in Deutschland (Early Intervention Strategies and Measures in Germany)

The situation at the labour market for specific Groups becomes more problematic. One of the political solutions is early intervention.

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7. Österreichischer Kreativwirtschaftsbericht (7th Report on Austrian Creative Industries)

The 7th Austrian report on creative industries presents the economic development of creative industries and the importance of this sector for the Austrian economy.

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Promotion and financing Conditions for fast-growing and research-intensive companies in Austria

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between R&D activities, company growth and investment dynamics in the context of a quantitative analysis.

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Screening of regional skills demand and supply in Upper Austria

This project analyses and assesses the labour market situation and development (labour demand and supply) at the level of occupations and qualifications in the regions of Upper Austria. This is done based on an in-depth analysis of regionalised labour market and educational data, and regional focus groups. The results serve as a basis for policies and initiatives to improve matching on regional labour markets.

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Mittelstandsbericht 2016 (Report on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises)

This report on small and medium sized enterprises is presented to the Austrian Parliament every second year.

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Financing Structure and Income Situation in Information and Consulting

This analysis of the financing structure and income situation is based on about 8,000 balance sheets an 3,500 income statements of companies from the information and consulting sector.

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Competitiveness of Cultural and Creative Industries for Growth and Jobs

This study focusses on the analysis of the competitiveness and economic relevance of the European cultural and creative industries (CCI).

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Kosovo SME Promotion Programme

This technical assistance project contributes to the development of the SME sector in Kosovo through a set of specific support actions: a) strengthening and capacity building of the local SME Support Agency for a more effective SME policy; b) promoting and professionalising SMEs through a voucher scheme for management consulting Services; and c) developing a credit guarantee scheme for SMEs to facilitate access to finance.

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ICT-competences in the context of active labour market policy

In this study PIAAC-data concerning ICT-competences are analysed.

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Creative Industries Styria 2015

This project includes data analyses on creative industries in Styria.

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Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der Schweiz (Support Measures Against Youth Unemployment in Switzerland)

The objectives of this study were to analyse the employment situation of young people in Switzerland and the framework conditions in the labour market.

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The use of validation by enterprises for human resource and career development purposes

The study investigates the use of competence measurement and assessment among European enterprises.

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Asset 10
Study on Statistical data on Women Entrepreneurs in Europe and on the creation of an e-platform

The aims of this study were to collect and analyse the most recent comparable statistical data on women entrepreneurs in Europe in order to quantitatively capture female entrepreneuership.

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Asset 11
Salzburg 2025 – Szenarien regionaler Wirtschaftsentwicklung und gesellschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen (Salzburg 2025 – Scenarios of Regional Economic Development and Social Conditions)

This study investigated the development prospects of the Salzburg region up to 2025.

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Asset 7
Interim Evaluation of the Participation of SMEs in FP7 (Cooperation Programme and the Research for the Benefit of SMEs Schemes)

The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the results and impacts of the participating SMEs within two initiatives of FP7.

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