Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Businesses and entrepreneurship are a core area of the Institute’s national and European research activities. We study different forms of businesses (e.g. one-person businesses, hybrid entrepreneurs, older entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurship, multi-entrepreneurs, etc.) as well as their different life cycles, business models and innovation activities. The innovation activities of companies are an essential factor for a successful entrepreneurship. The Austrian Institute for SME Research regularly conducts analyses of innovation processes in companies as well as of the research, technology and innovation policy framework conditions and their effects on the development of companies and innovations in Austria and Europe. The connections between technology and innovation on the one hand and entrepreneurship (e.g. new business models) on the other are also analysed.

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Selected Projects

On behalf of

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber




Eva Heckl


On behalf of

Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy




Karin Bachinger

Mehr Info

On behalf of

Bundesbeschaffung GmbH,

Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy,

Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology,

Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism


Peter Kaufmann


On behalf of

Austrian Climate and Energy Fund

Expected Completion



Harald Wieser


Your Contact Persons

Eva Heckl

Senior Researcher
+43 1 505 97 61 - 36

Karin Bachinger

Senior Researcher
+43 1 505 97 61 - 57

Harald Wieser

Senior Researcher
+43 1 5059761 - 27

Peter Kaufmann

Deputy Director
+43 1 5059761-31
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Austrian Research and Technology Report 2023 – 2026

The Research and Technology Report provides information on current national and international research and technology policy issues by analyzing current developments and trends on the basis of comprehensive data, analyses and findings. Another component of the report is an annual monitoring of…
Expected Completion
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TranS4MEr: Transformative SME Policy for Broad-Based Decarbonisation

Following an action research approach, TranS4MEr will identify priority areas for climate action in the SME sector and develop climate mitigation policy goals and mixes that are able to address the heterogeneity of SMEs. The implementation of a ‘transformative SME policy hub’…
Expected Completion
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Business Succession in Tourism in Austria

The research project 'Business transfer in tourism' provides an inventory of business succession in tourism. In addition, current support services and the funding landscape in Austria and the federal states are analysed. The study was conducted on the basis of an online…
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The bureaucratic burden on the business economy in Lower Austria

Fulfilling bureaucratic tasks is a major challenge for companies. In this research study, the bureaucratic burden of enterprises in the commercial sector in Lower Austria was surveyed and the bureaucratic burden index was calculated. The focus is on determining the time and…
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The report "SMEs in Focus 2023" uses current data and facts to show the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises for the Austrian economy. One focus chapter is devoted to the topic of "Innovative strength of SMEs". Furthermore, the report offers an…
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iWaterCheck – Method for the identification of water-related optimization measures in SMEs as a basis for standardized water audits

While the importance of sustainable water strategies is increasing in the industry, domestic SMEs mostly lack the necessary resources and know-how to increase their water efficiency. In cooperation with KMU Forschung Austria and V-Research, AEE-Intec addresses this problem within the ACR project…
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Practice lab impact assessment in the R&D programme Mobility of the Future

The climate neutrality of the mobility system is more urgent than ever. Therefore, it is also necessary to use suitable monitoring to show the progress of research projects up to their implementation in social practice and thus also to identify supporting and…
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System Readiness

Decisions to fund, finance, or purchase innovative concepts and applications heavily depend on assessments of their maturity. This project develops a model for evaluating the readiness level of innovations for climate-neutral cities that can be applied to heterogeneous innovations and takes the…
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The Missing Entrepreneurs – Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship and self-employment

The biennial report “The Missing Entrepreneurs” examines policies and programmes in the field of inclusive entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship of youth, women, seniors, unemployed, migrants and people with disabilities) in Europe. Furthermore, strategies and measures to support entrepreneurship in these underrepresented groups are identified.…
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SMEs and the Single Market – Austrian Country Report

This study looks at the experiences of Austrian small and medium-sized enterprises with doing business on the European Single Market. The study focuses on remaining barriers in accessing the markets of other Member States and on possible (regulatory) initiatives to further improve…
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APCC Special Report “Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben”

For the APCC Special Report, scientists from KMU Forschung Austria have compiled the state of the art on existing supply structures in Austria and show how the supply of goods and services can be changed to enable climate-friendly living. The report was…
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Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training

The project aims to develop a better understanding of the embedding of entrepreneurship competences in VET in Europe, to identify related challenges and opportunities, and to identify differences between selected countries (Austria, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Latvia, Sweden and Italy). The focus…
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ClimCoopSuccess: Climate Action in Social and Solidarity Economies

This project explores whether and under what conditions the implementation of democratic principles in companies can contribute to climate action. Together with the RCE - Centre for Sustainable Social Transformation, we are investigating democratically organised companies from different European regions and the…
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Expanding the use of clay in the construction sector by establishing a testing network

Manufacturing processes and transport of building materials are energy-intensive and cause high CO2 emissions. In addition, many building materials pose a health and disposal problem due to their content of disruptive and harmful substances. Regionally available clay can replace conventional materials if…
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SMEs in Focus 2022

The report "SMEs in Focus 2022" uses current data and facts to show the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises for the Austrian economy. One focus chapter is devoted to the topic of "New Work and New Entrepreneurship". Furthermore, the report offers…
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PRO_Service: innovations for product-service systems in the manufacturing sector

Industrial manufacturing processes are still linked with high energy and material demands. Although rental and service models for production facilities have been discussed for many years as promising solutions, such alternatives to the acquisition of facilities have not yet been able to…
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Analysis of the lightweight construction industry and research in Austria in an international context

The study serves to record the potential and technological competence of industry and research in the field of lightweight construction in Austria. Based on this, links to lightweight construction strategies and activities in other countries will be established. This serves to embed…
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RTI Strategy for the Austrian Aviation Sector 2040

The "RTI Strategy for the Austrian Aviation Sector 2020 plus" was introduced by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMK) in 2016, taking into account international strategies and guiding papers, and followed the RTI Aviation Strategy 2008. It is now…
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Research funding to support women

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG commissioned this short study in order to examine the status quo with regard to the representation of women in the projects it funds on the one hand, and on the other hand to analyze which measures…
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Interdisciplinarity in applied research

This study looks at the role of interdisciplinary collaboration in applied research. The research network Austrian Cooperative Research (ACR) is used as a case example for investigating aspects such as the forms and patterns, the purposes, the benefits, and the challenges and…
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One-Person-Enterprises in Austria 2023

The Austrian Institute for SME Research has been regularly analyzing the situation and development of one-person enterprises in Austria since 2007. In a comprehensive study and survey of around 2,000 one-person entrepreneurs in 2022, the diverse characteristics of their entrepreneurial activities were…
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Potentials of trustworthy AI in Austria

The trustworthy use of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to change the economy in key future industries for the benefit of society and to positively influence the positioning of Austria and Europe in international competition. First, the terminology is clarified in…
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LEADERSHIP4SMEs: Leveraging Intellectual Properties for Start-up and SME Hypergrowth

LEADERSHIP4SMEs is an initiative aiming to support disruptive SMEs and start-ups to reinforce and leverage their IPR as an accelerator of growth on the EU single Market and beyond. The project seeks to raise the awareness and change the perception about the…
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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Workplace

The aim of the study was to determine how the introduction of AI technologies affects different actors (management, employees, etc.) and whether this differs between countries depending on policy measures or institutional frameworks. Another goal was to identify good practices as well…
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SMEs in Focus 2021 (KMU im Fokus 2021)

The report "SMEs in Focus" uses current data and facts to show the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises for the Austrian economy. A focus chapter is dedicated to the effects of the shortage of skilled labour on SMEs. Furthermore, the report…
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Entrepreneurship Ecosystems for a Circular Economy

New business ventures hold great potential for the transformation to a Circular Economy. Based on experiences from Vienna’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, the project “CircularHub” developed a policy guide on how to design support services for founders so that the companies of the future…
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Company transfers and successions in Austria

As in 2008 and 2014, the study comprehensively analyses the Austrian succession situation and estimates the transfer potential in the coming years. One focus of the study is on the concrete design of the transfer process as well as on the topics…
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BELONGevity: Innovations for a socially inclusive and sustainable circular economy

So far, the shift to a Circular Economy has hardly arrived in the everyday lives of many people. This study shows what companies and other organisations in the Circular Economy need to consider to make their offers attractive to all social groups.…
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Training in Enterprises

The OECD research project analyses the types, methods, reasons/purposes/motivation, participants, decision and planning processes, benefits/effects as well as barriers in terms of training in enterprises. Data collection took place in the form of semi-structured interviews with 100 enterprises in five countries: Austria,…
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9th Report on Austrian Creative Industries with a Focus on “Digital Transformation 2030

The creative industries were affected to varying degrees by the lockdowns. Despite the Corona pandemic, it can be seen that creatives are important drivers of digital transformation. The Creative Industries Report is available at the following link: https://www.kreativwirtschaft.at/neunter-kreativwirtschaftsbericht
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Mechanisms and formats of knowledge and technology transfer in SMEs with a focus on digitalisation

The study analyzes different types of technology transfer in manufacturing and manufacturing-related SMEs, where they are positioned in corresponding value networks and what role they play in them. This was examined not only on the basis of academic literature, but also using…
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Study on the effectiveness of public innovation support for SMEs in Europe

The overall objective of this study was to gather evidence on the effectiveness of public support for innovation in Europe. A key finding of the study is that SMEs in the EU continue to face barriers to innovation; for micro-enterprises, these are…
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KMU im Fokus (SMEs in Focus 2020)

The report "SMEs in Focus" uses current facts and figures to highlight the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises for the Austrian economy. One focus chapter is devoted to the effects of the Corona-related crisis on SMEs. Furthermore, the report provides an…
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Innovation and digitization for the sustainability of SMEs

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of the Austrian economy. They therefore play a central role in the innovation and competitiveness of the country. The present study provides an overview of the innovation performance and innovation behaviour of SMEs as…
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Family Business in Austria 2019

The study is the fourth after 2008, 2013 and 2017 to focus on family businesses. The project includes the analysis of the economic importance of family businesses in Austria and their characteristics. In addition, the degree of digitization of Austrian family businesses…
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SME 4.0

The aim of the project is to develop an informed knowledge basis with regard to digitisation for all ACR member institutes. Building on the knowledge acquired a low-threshold sector-specific service for SMEs will be developed and tested in order to advance the…
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Report on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

The report on small and medium sized enterprises provides recent facts and figures on SMEs, most important industries as well as a thematic focus on family businesses. The report also provides a list of support measures for SMEs in Austria based on the…
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Inclusive Entrepreneurship 2019

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 is the fifth edition of a series of publications that explore how to support job creation, economic growth and social inclusion at national, regional and local level by overcoming obstacles to business creation and self-employment by people from…
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Facts and Figures

The study aims at providing players within the Austria RTI policy landscape with a decision basis for their future advancement of the portfolio of funding programmes. In particular, the study identifies players within the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in science, business…
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Born Globals and their Value Chains

After the global recession, job creation is a political priority. While it is generally accepted that most jobs are created by small and medium-sized enterprises, not all SMEs are growing fast or even want to expand. With limited public budgets, business models…
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Competitiveness of Austrian Enterprises

The national framework conditions are of high importance to maintain and strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises in an increasingly globalised and digitised economy. Against this background the study analyses, if the current framework conditions in Austria promote or hinder competitiveness of Austrian…
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Austrian Entrepreneurial Index – Retail trade 2017

The Austrian Entrepreneurial Index (AEI) combines different aspects of self-employment and measures the satisfaction of entrepreneurs in an overall index consisting of 6 sub-indices with 35 sub-areas. First surveyed in a large-scale company survey in 2015, the satisfaction of around 480 retailers…
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Unternehmerinnen in Österreich 2017 (Women Entrepreneurs in Austria 2017)

This study offers a comprehensive analysis of entrepreneurship of women in Austria. Socio-demographic characteristics of female entrepreneurs, the characteristics of companies run by women, working conditions and the entrepreneurial and private environment as well as the specific challenges of women entrepreneurs are…
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Rahmenbedingungen und Hemmnisse für innovative Unternehmensgründungen in Österreich (Inhibiting framework conditions for founding innovative companies in Austria)

This study analyses existing barriers for young, innovative companies in Austria and develops recommendations for conducive framework conditions for founders. The main focus of the analysis is on the barriers to found a company in Austria, the financing and the role of…
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Start-up Report Österreich (Start-up Report Austria)

Start-ups are a special form of enterprise foundation with potentially positive effects on the overall economy, e.g. innovation impulses, growth and employment effects. In Austria as well as at EU level start-ups are high on the policy agenda and receive considerable media…
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Mittelstandsbericht 2016 (Report on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises)

This report on small and medium sized enterprises is presented to the Austrian Parliament every second year. Besides recent information on the industries as well as a thematic focus on competitiveness, the report also provides a list of support measures for SMEs…
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Study on Statistical data on Women Entrepreneurs in Europe and on the creation of an e-platform

The project consisted of two studies, conducted together with the cooperation partner Panteia B.V. The aims of this study were to collect and analyse the most recent comparable statistical data on women entrepreneurs in Europe (37 countries) in order to quantitatively capture…
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Analysis of the foreign activities of management consultants

The aim of the project is to ascertain the status quo of foreign activities, the main determining factors and opportunities, as well as the requirements of Austrian management consultants. This is done on the basis of an online survey and serves as…
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Efficient Implementation of Innovation in SMEs

By analysing how to support the efficient implementation of digital innovation in SMEs, the project aims at the development of a suitable set of methods in order to support innovation agents providing evidence-based and efficient consultation. The respective results are, among others,…
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Ein-Personen-Unternehmen (EPU) in Österreich 2018/19 (One-Person-Enterprises (OPE) in Austria 2018/19)

The study analyses the importance and development of one-person-enterprises in Austria. Central indicators, trends and developments are also considered over time. The study, on behalf of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, is based on a comprehensive primary survey of one-person companies in…
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Evaluation und Wirkungsanalyse CTI-Entrepreneurship (Impact monitoring and evaluation of the CTI Entrepreneurship Programme)

The accompanying impact analysis and evaluation of the Swiss "CTI Entrepreneurship" Training Programms assesses its conception, implementation and short to medium-term effects. The analysis, carried out by the Austrian Institute for SME Research in cooperation with B, S, S Volkswirtschaftliche Beratung AG…
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Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Projekts: „Multifunktionale Nutzung thermisch aktivierter Bestandsfassaden“ (Accompanying research of the project “Multifunctional use of thermally activated existing facades”)

This project implements the accompanying research of a technical research project, which shows the economic and technical potential of the external component activation for the renovation of existing buildings with prefabricated façade elements and defines the respective conditions and develops new methods.…
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Familienunternehmen in Österreich 2017 (Family Businesses in Austria 2017)

Family businesses are very important for the Austrian economy. Therefore, the Austrian Institute for SME Research conducted a report in 2013 about the situation of family businesses, their characteristics and the developments. This new publication provides updates of the most important facts and figures…
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Promotion and financing Conditions for fast-growing and research-intensive companies in Austria

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between R&D activities, company growth and investment dynamics in the context of a quantitative analysis.
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