The Austrian Institute for SME Research conducts evaluations and impact analyses of measures, programmes and institutions in various policy areas at international, national and regional level. This involves the analysis and evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of public subsidies and other measures in view of limited resources and increasing (inter)national competitive pressure. The relevant research work forms an essential component of a learning and strategically oriented national and European policy making. The evaluation activities of the Austrian Institute for SME Research focus on research, technology and innovation policy (RTI policy), environmental and economic policy as well as labour market and social policy. The Institute is a member of the working group FTI of the German Society for Evaluation e.V. (DeGEval) and a member of the platform fteval. The evaluations of the Austrian Institute for SME Research are based on the (quality) standards developed by these institutions.
This study supported the European Commission (DG Research) in the assessment of die five EU Missions, the review of mission areas and the analysis of the EU Missions’ portfolio of instruments and actions. The study team was coordinated by EFIS Centre, with the partners KMU Forschung Austria (Austrian Institute for SME Research), Visionary Analytics, the Mission-oriented Policy Observatory of Utrecht University, as well as the senior expert Claire Nauwelaers.
European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
Peter Kaufmann
Mehr InfoThis evaluation will examine the effects that the "Stadt der Zukunft" (“City of Tomorrow”) programme has achieved since its inception. The evaluation is based on extensive surveys of research project participants and various multipliers from application areas such as civil engineering and urban planning.
Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Harald Wieser
MORE INFOThis accompanying and ex-post evaluation is implemented on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Finance based on the evaluation plan approved by the European Commission in the period 2022 to 2025. Due to the accompanying character, there is an ongoing examination of implementation processes, target group outreach, as well as an in-depth analysis of the effects in the target groups and for Germany as a business location.
German Federal Ministry of Finance
Peter Kaufmann
more infoThe evaluation analyses the instrument "BMVIT endowed professorship" and develops recommendations for the further development of the instrument. The focus is on the organisational and structural framework conditions for endowed professorships from the perspective of the sponsor and the universities. The evaluation focuses on questions regarding the appropriate design of the instrument with regard to the intended funding objectives.
Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Eva Heckl
More InfoThe evaluation of the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) with its three programme pillars R&D individual projects, R&D cooperation projects and networks concerns one of the most important instruments of innovation policy in Germany.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Peter Kaufmann
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