Labour Market and Skills

SMEs are of central importance for the labour market. They provide the majority of jobs in Austria and Europe. From the companies’ point of view, the employees are probably the most important factor for competitiveness. Internationalisation, technological (e.g. digitalisation) and demographic processes are changing both labour supply and demand. In this context, the Austrian Institute for SME Research investigates – at European, national and also regional level – for example the change in competence requirements, the participation of specific groups of people in the labour market (women, young people, the elderly, migrants, etc.), and the influence of different framework conditions and measures on the labour market.

Selected Projects

On behalf of

Public Employment Service Austria




Eva Heckl

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On behalf of

Public Employment Service AMS - Lower Austria




Eva Heckl, Joachim Kaufmann

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On behalf of

Public Employment Service AMS - regional organisations




Eva Heckl

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On behalf of

Business Upper Austria




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Your Contact Persons

Christina Enichlmair

Senior Researcher
+43 1 505 97 61 - 35

Eva Heckl

Senior Researcher
+43 1 505 97 61 - 36

Analysis of demand and acceptance for the further development of the Master’s programme in Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg


The Missing Entrepreneurs – Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship and self-employment

The biennial report “The Missing Entrepreneurs” examines policies and programmes in the field of inclusive entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship of youth, women, seniors, unemployed, migrants and people with disabilities) in Europe. Furthermore, strategies and measures to support entrepreneurship in these underrepresented groups are identified.…

Labour force and skilled labour situation in Vienna

The study contains an analysis of the situation and development on the Viennese labour market in general and the skilled labour situation of 10 economic sectors (sector portraits) in particular. Based on this, a comprehensive assessment of the skilled labour situation in…

Green Jobs – Job Profiles, Competencies and Employment Opportunities in Apprenticeship or BMHS in Austria.

Against the background of the climate crisis, decarbonisation, sustainability, the Green Deal, etc., green jobs are gaining in importance. Therefore, there is also a need for action with regard to the creation of new job profiles, changes to existing job profiles and…

Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training

The project aims to develop a better understanding of the embedding of entrepreneurship competences in VET in Europe, to identify related challenges and opportunities, and to identify differences between selected countries (Austria, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Latvia, Sweden and Italy). The focus…

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Workplace

The aim of the study was to determine how the introduction of AI technologies affects different actors (management, employees, etc.) and whether this differs between countries depending on policy measures or institutional frameworks. Another goal was to identify good practices as well…

Training in Enterprises

The OECD research project analyses the types, methods, reasons/purposes/motivation, participants, decision and planning processes, benefits/effects as well as barriers in terms of training in enterprises. Data collection took place in the form of semi-structured interviews with 100 enterprises in five countries: Austria,…

The Austrian apprenticeship market – an in-depth analysis of the status quo

The project aims to shed light on the Austrian apprenticeship market. The core of the study is a qualitative assessment of the situation on the Austrian apprenticeship market in general and with regard to selected industry groups and regions in particular. In…

Evaluation of the programmes funding “focus on talents” and “research partnerships” (Evaluierung der Programme “Förderschwerpunkt Talente” und “Forschungspartnerschaften”)

Within the framework of the "funding focus on talents" ("Förderschwerpunkt Talente), (potential) researchers are funded in the application-oriented, scientific and technical RTI area. The funding instruments are aimed at children and young people (internships for pupils, regional talents) as well as researchers…

Evaluation BMVIT Endowed Professorship

The evaluation analyses the instrument "BMVIT endowed professorship" and develops recommendations for the further development of the instrument. The focus is on the organisational and structural framework conditions for endowed professorships from the perspective of the sponsor and the universities. The evaluation…

Inclusive Entrepreneurship 2019

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 is the fifth edition of a series of publications that explore how to support job creation, economic growth and social inclusion at national, regional and local level by overcoming obstacles to business creation and self-employment by people from…

Scientific assistance for the redesign of the labour market strategy of Upper Austria

The Austrian Institute for SME Research has provided assistance to the government of Upper Austria in redesigning their labour market strategy with a focus on supply of skilled labour. This includes an analysis of the regional labour market (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and…

Impacts of digitalisation on the training and qualification opportunities of the Public Employment Service in Lower Austria

The study analyses the effects of digitalisation and industry 4.0 on the economy on Lower Austria. The focus is on the changes with regard to (levels of) qualifications and professions that will be of special relevance in a digital economy. It will…

Competitiveness of Austrian Enterprises

The national framework conditions are of high importance to maintain and strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises in an increasingly globalised and digitised economy. Against this background the study analyses, if the current framework conditions in Austria promote or hinder competitiveness of Austrian…

Support measures for long-term unemployed persons in selected European countries – focus passive support

Long-term unemployed persons represent a main target group of labour market policy as they entail various hampering factors with view to a reintegration at the labour market. On the one hand financial/social support has to be provided, on the other hand tailored…

Screening of regional skills demand and supply in Upper Austria

This project analyses and assesses the labour market situation and development (labour demand and supply) at the level of occupations and qualifications in the regions of Upper Austria. This is done based on an in-depth analysis of regionalised labour market and educational…

Einzelhandel – Quo vadis? (Retail trade – quo vadis?)


ICT-competences in the context of active labour market policy

In this study PIAAC-data concerning ICT-competences are analysed. Research activities and labour market concepts in Austria and selected countries (Germany, Canada, Netherlands, Sweden and UK) are described. Furthermore, international labour market programmes and initiatives (good practices) to ameliorate these competences in Germany…

Berufs- und Bildungsberatung in Österreich (Vocational and educational counselling in Austria)

The study aims at presenting a structured overview of the acteurs offering vocational guidance in Austria. Based on a comprehensive desk research a market analysis was conducted. Client: Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) Duration: May 2019 – October 2019 Project manager: Eva…

Evaluation und Wirkungsanalyse CTI-Entrepreneurship (Impact monitoring and evaluation of the CTI Entrepreneurship Programme)

The accompanying impact analysis and evaluation of the Swiss "CTI Entrepreneurship" Training Programms assesses its conception, implementation and short to medium-term effects. The analysis, carried out by the Austrian Institute for SME Research in cooperation with B, S, S Volkswirtschaftliche Beratung AG…

Early-Intervention-Strategien und Ansätze in Deutschland (Early Intervention Strategies and Measures in Germany)

The situation at the labour market for specific groups (low skilled persons, migrants, 50+, etc.) becomes more problematic. One of the political solutions is early intervention. To improve such measures this study analyses early intervention measures in Germany and draws lessons learnt…

Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der Schweiz (Support Measures Against Youth Unemployment in Switzerland)

The objectives of this study were to analyse the employment situation of young people in Switzerland and the framework conditions in the labour market, the identification of good practices of support for young people in the labour market in Switzerland, and conclusions and…

The use of validation by enterprises for human resource and career development purposes

The study investigates the use of competence measurement and assessment among European enterprises. The focus was on the purposes of skills assessment, the methods used and the quality of results obtained. In this respect, there were clear differences between company types and professional…
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